
Légionnaires: exhibition and rallye

  • Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH)
    28 June 2021
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The exhibition « Légionnaires » is the outcome of a collaboration between the University of Luxembourg/C²DH and the Musée Dräi Eechelen.

Who were the Luxembourgish legionnaires? What were they doing in France? Why did they decide to enrol? How were they portrayed and remembered?

The exhibition « Légionnaires » is the outcome of a collaboration between the C²DH and the Musée Dräi Eechelen, bringing together the results of a quinquennial investigation on the Luxembourgers in the French Foreign Legion conducted at the University of Luxembourg as well as the work of local specialists, public historians, and international experts. In order to follow the destiny of this thousand men, the structure of the exhibition and the multimedia production designed by scenographers from Milan, 2Farchitettura and Tokonoma, immerse the visitor in an immersive and interactive atmosphere through numerous animations and audio stories.

The exhibition is accompanied by a location-based interactive game that engages the players in a digital treasure hunt around Luxembourg City. The game, developed by the VR/AR Lab of the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with the C²DH, extends the exhibition outside the museum walls, allowing players to see the cityscape in a different light and discover the history of the légionnaires in the places that marked their passage. It will be available from 30 June 2021 by visiting

The exhibition is open to the public

from 1 July to 28 November 2021

from 10.00 to 18.00

at the Musée Dräi Eechelen

5, Park Dräi Eechelen

L-1499 Luxembourg

Read more about the exhibition.