
In Memory of Sachin S. Vankalas (1983 – 2021)

  • Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF)
    20 July 2021
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We are deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Mr. Sachin S. Vankalas, LuxFLAG’s General Manager and part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance.

Mr. Vankalas was a passionate, brilliant and dynamic leader in his field as well as a true inspiration to the students he taught and mentored, as a thinker, as a professional, and as a deeply kind and gracious human being.

Mr. Vankalas, universally recognised for his expertise in responsible investment and sustainable finance, was also one of our alumni, having graduated from Luxembourg School of Finance (LSF) with an MSc in Banking and Finance. In 2021, Mr. Vankalas quickly became an integral part of the MScFE Sustainable Finance track teaching team. As a lecturer, he was admired by his students, helping them break into the industry with internship advice and networking introductions. 

On behalf of the University of Luxembourg, the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance would like to express its deepest sympathies to the family, friends and working colleagues of Mr. Vankalas. We are forever grateful and appreciative for his contributions and his invaluable support to our students.