
New e-resources

  • Luxembourg Learning Centre (LLC)
    07 February 2020

The LLC is pleased to announce that you have now access to the following resources on :

  • Full text access to ALL De Gruyter e-books with imprints like Mouton, Oldenburg etc, and partners like Transcript, Multilingual Matters, Columbia University Press, etc (71.000 titles)Harvard University Press
  • Full text access to ALL French Peter Lange-books (1.100 titles)
  • Access to Le Corpus de la littérature narrative from Classique Garnier (thanks to the generous contribution of Les Amitiés Françaises Luxembourg) and the major works of French literature from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, with advanced textual research
  • Access to La critique littéraire from Classique Garnier and the critical works of French literature from the 18th to the 20th century