Department Department of Humanities

Cutting-edge research in a wide range of Humanities topics

The Department of Humanities is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of human societies and culture in the context of a rapidly evolving world. We believe in the power of knowledge and critical thinking to shape the future and are dedicated to advancing our understanding of societal complexities

A glimpse into our department

A unique combination of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and teaching

The Department of Humanities unites more than 100 international experts from fields including linguistics, literature & arts, history, philosophy, multilingualism, digital humanities & media studies, and didactics. The researchers in the department strive to make a positive impact on society through research and education. We offer a wide range of interdisciplinary, often multilingual programs in an international and inclusive atmosphere.

Our department in numbers

  • 139
    Staff Members
  • 1
  • 11
    Study programmes


  • Nouvelle publication : Peut-on tout leur dire ? Formes de l’indicible en littérature jeunesse

    Sciences humaines
    Learn more
  • 40 ans de reconnaissance pour le luxembourgeois

    Sciences humaines
    Learn more
