Hamed RAHIMI NOHOOJI received his Ph.D. degree from Curtin University (Australia), in 2018. He was a research fellow at the National University of Singapore (Singapore), and UC Louvain (Belgium). He was also a researcher at the University of Pisa (Italy) and a visiting research scholar at the University of Birmingham (UK). His main research interests include soft robotics, and developing control systems with applications in robotics. During his research, he worked on several projects, including the EU H2020 CYBERLEGs Plus Plus project, and the Singapore Agency for Science, Tech & Research (A*STAR) project on “Soft Modular Adaptive Gripper Capable of Fast Response and Large Force”. Hamed joined the Automation & Robotics Research group headed by Prof. Holger Voos.
His contributions can be assessed by his publications with over 900 citations and an H-index of 18 (Google Scholar, April 2023). He has authored or co-authored several articles in prestigious international journals, such as (IF 8.233), (IF 8.934), (IF 5.779), (IF 4.246), (IF 5.336), (4.063), (IF 2.444), (IF 3.252), (IF 3.476), and (IF 2.576). He has also authored four book chapters, three of which have been published by Springer. He has several conference papers, including the award nominee paper at 2016, where He won a Student Travel Award from the conference organizers. Information sciences Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Neurocomputing Journal of The Franklin Institute Applied Mathematical Modelling Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering Asian Journal of Control Energies IEEE Access Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics the Australasian Conf on Robotics and Automation
He is a guest associate editor of (CiteScore 4.6) for the Robotic Control Systems section. He is a topical advisory panel member of (CiteScore 4.9), (IF 2.52), and (IF 2.428). He is a section topical advisory panel member for ‘Sensors and Robotics’ of (IF 3.847), and editing a topical collection entitled “Advances in Human-Robot Interaction: Sensing, Cognition, and Control”, and a special issue on “Advances in Soft Robotics: Design, Sensing, and Control” for this journal. He is also a special issue editor for on “Soft Actuators and Robotics”, and for on “Advances in Soft Aerial Robotics”. He was a leading guest editor for (IF 1.714) for a special collection on “Barrier Lyapunov Functions in Constrained Control of Robotic Systems”. He is an active reviewer for several prestigious journals, including . He regularly serves as a reviewer for numerous international conferences every year. Frontiers in Robotics and AI Robotics Actuators Machines Sensors Actuators Robotics the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems IEEE T Industrial Electronics, IEEE T Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE T Cybernetics, IEEE T Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Access, PLOS One, Journal of The Franklin Institute, Neurocomputing, Control Engineering Practice, Nonlinear Dynamics, Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
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ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9429-7164