More information Moving to Luxembourg

Authorisation to stay and residence permit

You will find detailed information on the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs website.

On their arrival in Luxembourg, applicants must submit their temporary authorisation to stay (AST) issued by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs to the Admissions Office in the Student Department. No enrolments can be finalised without this document.

If you are accepted for admission, you will need to request a criminal record certificate so that you can apply for a residence permit. We would strongly recommend that you request a criminal record certificate from your country of residence in advance so that it does not hold up the procedure with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We would suggest that you request this document no later than the beginning of April, even if you have not yet received the result of your application.

Legal residents of Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico should contact directly Victoria Vieru directly:

Embassy of Luxembourg in the United States of America
2200 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington D.C., 20008
Tel. (+1) 202 265 4171 · Fax (+1) 202 328 8270
Embassy of Luxembourg in Washington

Renewal of residence permit

In order to renew a residence permit, non-EU nationals must apply to the Immigration Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes).

The application for renewal must be filed using a special form and must be accompanied by the documents specified by the Ministry.

Download the form Demande en renouvellement d’un titre de séjour pour ressortissant de pays tiers en qualité de « étudiant ».