Life Equality, inclusion & diversity

Discrimination and harassment

The University of Luxembourg is committed to non-discrimination in campus life. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining an educational, working and living environment that is safe, welcoming and positive for all members of our campus community. We want all members to thrive in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. 


Discrimination is adverse treatment of an individual based on a protected characteristic, rather than individual merit. Examples of conduct that may constitute discrimination if based on an individual’s protected characteristic include but are not limited to:

  • Singling out or targeting an individual for different or less favorable treatment because of their protected characteristic
  • Failing or refusing to admit an individual because of their protected characteristic
  • Terminating an individual from employment or an educational programme based on their protected characteristic

Bullying can be defined as unacceptable, offensive and repetitive behaviour which is intimidating or insulting and is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically. Bullying may take many forms, including cyberbullying, social and emotional bullying, and verbal, sexual or physical bullying.

Mobbing is the repeated and regular psychological abuse and humiliation of a person by an individual or group, usually in the form of hostile communication or social exclusion. The individual is usually pushed into a helpless and defenceless position and can be driven to quit their study programme or job.

Harassment is unwanted verbal or physical behaviour by individuals or groups, which is directed at a person based on a protected characteristic. This behaviour violates a person’s dignity and creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive educational, working or living environment. Harassment may be motivated by hostility towards age, disability, gender reassignment, ethnicity, religion or beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership or pregnancy and maternity.

Examples of behaviour that may be defined as harassment include but are not limited to:

  • Unwelcome jokes or comments about a legally protected characteristic
  • Disparaging remarks to a person about a legally protected characteristic
  • Displaying negative or offensive posters or pictures about a legally protected characteristic
  • Communication about a legally protected characteristic, including by electronic means, such as by email, telephone or voicemail, text messaging, social media or other internet use

Sexual misconduct is any sexual act or behaviour that a person does not consent to. It may take many forms, including sexual assault (rape), unwanted oral sex, and kissing or touching a person’s body in a sexual manner, without their consent. It may also include an unwanted sexual act towards another person, or making a person perform a sexual act against their will. 

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature which would make the recipient feel humiliated, intimidated or offended. Sexual harassment may be verbal, non-verbal, written, graphic or physical. Sexual harassment may also occur via email, text, messaging, social media posts and other forms of electronic communication. Examples of behaviour that may be defined as sexual harassment include but are not limited to:

  • Sexually suggestive comments or jokes
  • Unwelcome touching, hugging or kissing
  • Making or distributing a sexually explicit audio recording or edited image of another person
  • Displaying, sending or requesting sexually explicit pictures or posters
  • Repeated or inappropriate invitations to go out or “hook up”
  • Intrusive questions about a person’s private life or physical appearance

Protected characteristics are those personal traits, characteristics and/or beliefs that protected in Luxembourg law from discrimination and/or harassment.

Examples of protected characteristics:

  • religion, conviction or belief
  • disability
  • age
  • sexual orientation
  • health issues
  • disability
  • nationality
  • real or assumed ethnic background or origin
  • political or philosophical beliefs


A person who is bullied or harassed can feel humiliated, scared and threatened and can suffer from a loss of confidence or self-esteem. Experiencing bullying or harassment can cause many emotions, some of which can stay with a person for the rest of their life.

If you are experiencing any of the forms of bullying or harassment described above, we encourage you to contact us immediately.

We will also guide you through the process of reporting incidents and filing complaints and appeals in the event of bullying, harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct or student misconduct.